Mount Liberty (4,459')


Remember what she said—
the sun is still there
even when you can’t feel it
or can’t see, for that matter,
two feet in front of your face
the future is like that
packaged up in the clouds

It’s March, brighter now,
teetering on the edge of
winter’s memory, again and again
you pull your thoughts away
from the magnet in your brain
with a sigh, with curiosity
with an invitation, you see

the snowshoe hare left
his tracks in the snow
and mossbeards are making
old men out of trees
and the sun, little by little
is revealing each new moment
folded in the day 

The summit of Mount Liberty (sign credits: Rose Kiok-Kirshenbaum) 

Hike level: Moderate
Location: Lincoln, NH
Driving distance from Boston: About 2.25 hours
Cost: FREE to hike
Description: Mount Liberty is one of six mountains along Franconia Ridge. On clear days, it's summit has panoramic views of the surrounding Pemigewasset Wilderness. We took the Liberty Spring and Franconia Ridge trails which covered about 8.0 miles with 3,250 ft in elevation gain.
