Mount Israel


I have moved so many times
my brother and I used to trade off
calling the bigger room
learning after the first few moves
it’s better to pack books
in small boxes if you don’t want
to piss off your movers.
Eye-level with dust again
cross-legged on the floor
stacking piles to keep or donate, books
from childhood I’ve read countless times
from college I will read one of these days, books
from people given as gifts, even from people
I don’t think about anymore, books
with old receipts, dried leaves, cards
hidden memories tucked between
the yellowed pages
gaining meaning with each move
like a dam about to crack, a
flood of images, of light, of warmth.


Hike level: Moderate
Location: Center Sandwich, NH
Driving distance from Boston: About 2.25 hours
Cost: FREE
Description: Mount Israel (2,620'), one of the 52 with a view in NH, has gorgeous views of the Sandwich Range. Taking the Wentworth trail, the hike is about 4 miles out and back with approximately 1,900' elevation gain.
