Belknaps Range


In April, on Gunstock Mountain
momentarily stalled in purpose
with vague memories of snow pants
swishing against green vinyl
and breath clouds of laughter
dancing along cables and haul ropes
as premonitions of summer riders
drift up from the breeze below
one lucky chair
with only its own weight to support
takes in the view while it can.

Hike level: Moderate
Location: Gilford, NH
Driving distance from Boston: About 2.25 hours
Cost: FREE
Description: As part of the AMC Spring Hiking Program, we hiked a loop in the Belknap Range. We took in three summits (Mt. Rowe, Gunstock Mt. and Belknap Mt.), traversing some alpine meadows, and enjoying views of Lake Winnipesaukee, Mt. Washington and the Ossipee and Sandwich ranges. The hike was about 8 miles with approximately 2000' of elevation gain.
