Mount Washington (6,288') and Mount Monroe (5,372')


50,000 years ago, with a sculptor’s hand
ancient glaciers, carved you
slow and steady, into existence
imperceptible by human standards
but crushing underneath all the while
until, in the cull, in the windswept saddle
you emerged, blue and glistening

You’d think the hardest part of hiking
is finding a good pair of boots
but no
it’s when we have to turn around
because of weather
because our bodies are broken
because we need a lazy Sunday

Now you sit, 5,000 feet above the sea
day after day, your arms crossed
face tilted towards the sky, waiting
as each of us, on our pilgrimage
peer, to see ourselves in your waters

Sure, we comfort each other, we say
the mountain will always be there
of course, you won’t always be here
and neither will we

This is why, whatever it takes
we try again
to come to you
to be dwarfed by you
to remind ourselves we are alive
and if only for this moment, reflected

Lake of the Clouds, one of two tarns or small alpine lakes between Mt. Monroe and Mt. Washington

Summit of Mount Monroe with Mount Washington in the background (sign credits Ami Garcia Kuper)

Summit of Mount Washington (sign credits Ami Garcia Kuper)

Hike level: Difficult
Location: Jefferson, NH
Driving distance from Boston: About 3 hours
Cost: FREE to hike; It's also free to car camp nearby on Jefferson Notch Road. Sites are first-come-first-serve.
Description:  We hiked a loop that included both Mt. Monroe and Mt. Washington, using the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail, Crawford Path, Gulfside Trail and the Jewell Trail. The total mileage was 10.4 with 4,200 ft. elevation gain.
