Wachusett Mountain


Leave some dead trees here
for me this winter when I stay
to drum with my beak

a hollow sound that
keeps you company nonetheless
as you crunch your steps

I’ll hook ants on my
barbed tongue, then you won’t hear a thing
wonder if I’ve gone

you’ll turn your head to
look across the snowfields and stones
waiting for your cue

Pileated woodpecker in a display box in the Wachusett Mountain visitor center

 Hemlock-dominated old growth forest on the west slope of  Wachusett Mountain

Hike level: Ranging from easy to moderate
Location: Princeton, MA
Driving distance from Boston: About 1 hour
Cost: FREE; Print trail map here
Description: Wachusett Mountain is a 2,006 foot peak in central Massachusetts. It's also a downhill ski destination. On the west slope of the mountain there is a beautiful old growth forest (Old Indian Trail, West Side Trail and Semuhenna Trail). A nice 4+ mile loop to the summit starts at the parking area on Westminster road. Start at Echo Lake Trail, then follow High Meadow Trail to Bicentennial, to Mountain House Trail to the summit. On the way down take Indian Trail to Old West Trail to Semuhenna Trail to Harrington Trail to Stage Coach Trail back to the parking area.
