Mount Moosilauke (4,802')


They reduce
dormant and bare
to their toughest parts
for icy winter nights

They slow
water freezing inside
trunks deep beneath
the week’s fresh snow

They dream
of our cold toes
inside our boots
and smile at our silly gear

They know
we seek silence
on our way to the dome
of howling wind and breath



 (Photo taken by Will Hall)

 (Photo taken by Will Hall)

(Photo taken by Will Hall)

(Photo taken by Will Hall)

Hike level: Moderate-Difficult
Location: Benton, NH

Driving distance from Boston: About 2.5 hours

Cost: FREE to hike; for accommodation you can contact the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge.
Description: Gorge Brook trail is the easiest route to the summit of Mount Moosilauke. However, as the Ravine Lodge Road is often not plowed in winter, this can add an additional 3.2 miles round trip as well as an additional 400 feet of elevation gain. The total distance of the trail itself is 7.4 miles round-trip with 2,400 feet of elevation gain, but factoring in the road walk, the total mileage for a winter hike is 10.6 miles with 2,800 feet of elevation gain.
