Franconia Ridge: Mount Lafayete (5,260'), Mount Lincoln (5,089'), Little Haystack Mountain


You knew I’d be fooled by showy petals
of mountain avens, and distracted by
dancing acrobats of ravens above

that, with enough time, I’d know
I didn’t need to find your toothy leaves
to have a story to tell, or make me whole

I just needed to grip, and then let go
to grip and then let go, to feel
how time is different on the ridge

You were right to seek out lonely places
finding crevices beyond the scree wall
to hide in the shadows, even from me


 Summit of Mount Lincoln (sign credits: Rose Kiok-Kirshenbaum)

  Summit of Mount Lafayete (sign credits: Rose Kiok-Kirshenbaum)

Hike level: Moderate
Location: Franconia, NH
Driving distance from Boston: About 2.5 hours
Cost: FREE to hike, overnight stay option at AMC's Greenleaf Hut
Description: Franconia Ridge Loop includes Little Haystack Mountain, Mount Lincoln and Mount Lafayette. The loop can be hiked in either direction. We hiked up Falling Waters Trail, passing waterfalls up to the ridge, then followed the Franconia Ridge Trail, (part of the AT) over to Lincoln and Lafayette, two NH48 mountains. From Lafayette, we hiked down to the hut for dinner and stayed overnight. After breakfast at the hut the next day, we finished the loop, hiking out Old Bridle Path . Total elevation gain: 3425 ft. Total mileage: 8.90 miles over 2 days.
