Owl's Head Mountain (4,025'), Backpacking at Thirteen Falls Tensite


In the shadows of the secondary forest
ribs of the old railroad, worn and sore
have almost forgotten how it feels
to be standing as they crisscross their
bones small and tight, to the earth
tethered by a man with an iron nail
generations ago, setting in motion the
devastation that evolved to our gratitude.

 Summit of Owl's Head Mountain (sign credits: Ami Garcia Kuper)

Hike level: Easy-Moderate
Location: Franconia, NH
Driving distance from Boston: About 2 hour and 20 minutes
Cost: FREE to hike; Thirteen Falls Tentsite is $20 and there's a $5 parking fee at Lincoln Woods Visitor Center
Description: Many people hike Owl's Head Mountain in one long-18-mile-day. My friend Julia had the idea to co-lead a 3-day-2-night-backpack, adding miles while making the whole experience more relaxing. On day one, we took Lincoln Woods Trail 8 miles to Thirteen Falls Tentsite (1,200' elevation gain). Lincoln Woods Trail is mostly flat and is the remains of an old railroad path. The next day, we left our tents and hiked 9 miles round trip to Owls Head (3,000' elevation gain). The third day we retraced our steps the 8 miles out.
