Saddleback Mountain (4,120') and Saddleback the Horn (4,023')


If you want to know how it feels to be
on an exposed hill with shorts bursts
of high-speed winds, I’ll tell you
it depends on who you ask
besides that, it’s the scale and rate
not to mention how long it lasts or
the wetness in the sky ready to turn
your bones to ice at any minute
or the forces that cause it, the temperature
of the air that day, or what comes
right before and after, I think you get
the idea, wind is just something to move
around all this stale air, nothing more or less
that is, except if you are one of those who
thinks in metaphors about harbingers of change
do you feel exhilarated to be blown about?
or maybe losing your footing reminds you
of all the small and not so small missteps
we will continue to make, and make again
how many times must you forgive yourself?
reaching out, eyes closed, and wet with tears
searching, amidst the squall, for another hand
to hold you steady until the gusts subside.


Hike level: Moderate
Location: Rangeley, ME
Driving distance from Boston: About 4.5 hours
Cost: FREE to hike
Description: There are different ways to hike these peaks. A short and simple hike begins at the Saddleback Mountain ski lodge. You can follow the road up the Wheeler Slope to the Grey Ghost and Tri Color trails. This will bring you to Kenebago Quad where a short trail leads up to Saddleback's summit. From here, you connect to the Appalachian Trail. Saddleback the Horn (commonly just called "the Horn") is another 1.6 miles along the ridge. Total mileage is 6.8 with about 2,752' elevation gain.
